Website logo 2019-06-12 | Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna

 Date : 2019-06-12

Academic services
Wednesday 3 June 2019 / Activity News

Academic services to the society is one of the main mission of higher education institutions, which institutions who provide academic services to community society and the country should focus on practical for the in various ways regarding on their aptitude in the institutions of higher education and expertise. Academic services may be launched for free or may be charged accordingly in order to serve both government and private sectors. Independent agency, there is a variety of academic service model, such as... >> Read more

LANNA TAK Learn science, creative thinking, strengthen technology. From Stem to RMUTL STEAM3
Wednesday 3 June 2019 / Activity News

Stem is Educational guidelines that the integration of knowledge in the 4 interdisciplinary, including science, engineering, technology, and mathematics. By focusing on the knowledge used to solve the problems in real life. As well as the development process or a new crop is beneficial to the life and work. But the present learning not only limit only reflects the full study only. To learn along with  management and creativity. The further that knowledge to contribute to the development of real It... >> Read more

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