Publish : Wednesday 12 June 2019 By APINYA POOLTRUB จำนวนผู้เข้าชม 535 คน
Stem is Educational guidelines that the integration of knowledge in the 4 interdisciplinary, including science, engineering, technology, and mathematics. By focusing on the knowledge used to solve the problems in real life. As well as the development process or a new crop is beneficial to the life and work.
But the present learning not only limit only reflects the full study only. To learn along with management and creativity. The further that knowledge to contribute to the development of real It I is learning another form called “ STEM3 “ including S=Science, T=Technology, E=Engineering, A=Art, M3=Mathematics Management Marketing Learning integrated content and knowledge 4-material integrated with art. Management and marketing to develop as a comprehensive study.
The project “ Lanna Tak learn science, creative thinking, strengthen technology (RMUTL-STEAM3)”
Under the project of higher education network nanny. The project focused on the development of teachers and students in the secondary education and vocational education. Through the learning process to learn STEM3 By integrating the expertise and cooperation of personnel in 4 faculty. University of technology Lanna consists of agricultural science and technology, Faculty of Engineering The first faculty of Arts and architecture. And the Faculty of business and liberal arts. As well as to create a network of cooperation between schools of different levels. In the process to promote the quality education, basic education, higher education and both at local levels. And national quality Participants can study the thinking process, design and experiment of artificial simulation for use in events at the times. Through the learning process, STEAM3 An educational network that recognizes the importance and support personnel participating. When completed, the project will include students who attend the learning process has led to the transfer of the student by the university this year. Will be monitored and encouraged to contribute to the development of further studies, Years ago, Rajamangala University of technology Lanna The instructional process STEM To the teacher and student, and this year the university project of continuous phase 2 under Network enriched in battle. Keep the nanny, demonstrated commitment to the teaching methods to improve quality of students, students, through the process of management. Learning in the form STEAM3 As well as cooperation between schools at various levels. In which university, as the Institute. Higher education trainer to lead the resources. As well as academic expertise and technology to help improve the quality of education to the education network of two. D according to the education policy of the Ministry of education.