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Reminders working age risk of illness

Publish : Tuesday 01 March 2016 By Web Admin จำนวนผู้เข้าชม 1147 คน

ยังไม่มีคะแนนสำหรับบทความนี้ ผู้อ่านสามารถให้คะแนนบทความได้จากปุ่มข้างใต้

                Ministry of Public Health care working age health because living in buildings with poor air quality. Risk of inhaling dust‚ toner and volatile organic compounds‚ risk of sick building syndrome. Suggest tightening control the copier user to wear a procedure mask to protect themselves. Clinical Professor emeritus MD. Piyasakon Sakonsattayatorn a Minister of ministry of Public Health revealed that most people spend more time inside homes‚ offices and hotels. This making it vulnerable to air quality problems caused by dust in lack of care of air conditioning‚ volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as xylene‚ toluene‚ benzene‚ etc. Toner from copying machine‚ painting wall and equipment those cause the bad air quality especially if there isn’t enough ventilation which can affect health. copier toner‚ paint and building materials all these make the air quality poor. Especially if the system isn’t enough ventilation can affect subsequent health. In addition to the risk of respiratory illness‚ which information of Bureau of Policy and Strategy Ministry of public Health in 2012 found people with respiratory illness incidence rate of 473.34 per 1‚000 people‚ also makes it vulnerable sick building syndrome by inhaled dust and toner so volatile. The symptoms of disease divided into 5 group are

1.Eyes irritated‚ dry eyes‚ tearing or conjunctivitis. Eyes irritated most found in people who wear contact lenses.  

2.Nasal congestion‚ throat irritation‚ sneezing‚ coughing.  

3.Symptoms of throat‚ dry throat‚ throat irritation‚ difficulty breathing.  

4.The symptoms of dry skin‚ itching‚ rash‚ skin inflammation.  

5.Frontal headache‚ fatigue‚ dizziness‚ lack of concentration.

        by These symptoms will get better or disappear after leaving the building for 2-3 hours. Clinical Professor emeritus MD. Piyasakon Sakonsattayatorn said Ministry of Public Health concern in working age‚ especially for people who work with copying machine which has a chemical smell. The risk from easier inhaled toner into the body cause irritation to the respiratory system‚ coughing‚ sneezing. In dry copiers‚ the toner is 100 percent carbon black mixed with plastic resin.   In wet copiers‚ soluble organic compounds and petroleum.  By those 2 type contain dangerous chemical  which need insentive careful while refilling. As well as cleaning or disposal of used tone and avoid to touch or inhale into body. If toner stain the paper a lot should stop the copier. Then contact the company for maintenance.   Dr.MD.Pornthep Siriwanarangsan the head of department of health said the user must know how to protect themselves. When copying should always close the cover tightly‚ the installation of exhaust fans at the copier place‚ always wear gloves while adding or removing toner. By used toner or dropped toner should be eliminate in closed container‚ always maintenance and put copier far from working table and worker. Provide training on how to use. Replacing toner and toner disposal. As well as the maintenance of a copier should wear disposable gloves. And avoid direct exposure with the roller. Department of Health : Ministry of Public Health