Website logo 2020-02-20 | Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna

 Date : 2020-02-20

Student representative RMUTL, Lampang joined super star contest competition.
Thursday 4 February 2020 / Activity News

           Student representative RMUTL, Lampang joined super star contest competition in the 20th Lampang higher education relations sports competition "Lampang Rajabhat Games", for strengthen the good relationship between the 7 institutions in Lampang province on February 14, 2020 at Lampang Rajabhat University.   Translated by:  Pichet Inkun  EIC Student/ PRD Trainee   >> Read more

Student in Bachelor of Science (Animal Science) program organized course seminar education annual 2019.
Thursday 4 February 2020 / Activity News

          Students in animal science and fisheries faculty of agricultural science and technology, RMUTL Nan, organized course seminar education annual 2019, by participants were 4th year, amount 13 people and the 2nd year, amount 1 person, with 7 seminar topics on February 19, 2020, and honored by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pramual Termsombatthaworn Presided over the opening speech along with Dr. Ratchanee Buarapa who gave the report at animal science and fisheries room.   >> Read more

RMUTL joins the project to propel Chiang Mai to the world heritage City.
Thursday 4 February 2020 / Activity News

      On February 14 2020, Asst. Prof. Dr. Peera Junoisuwan,  Dean of Faculty of Arts and Architecture, RMUTL joined the signing ceremony of the academic cooperation agreement to be a partner in the city development, conservation network, environmental and propelling the world heritage, operated by Social Research Institute Chiang Mai University held at the meeting room of the Faculty of Architecture, Chiang Mai University.   Translated by:  Pornch... >> Read more

Office of Academic Resources organized library week project and promote technology in the digital age.
Thursday 4 February 2020 / Activity News

    On February 17 2020, Assoc. Prof. Seensiri Sa-ngajit, acting for president of RMUTL was the chairman of the event library week project and promote technology in the digital age at the Library 1st floor, Office of Academic Resources Building RMUTL, the objective is to promote reading habits and give the opportunity to participate in the selection and presentation a book for the needs of the faculty and major.   Translated by:  Pornchaya Techapoovanat >> Read more

The BIM and 3D MODEL RMUTL Club organized a training program for the use of Autodesk Revit for 3D structure design.
Thursday 4 February 2020 / Activity News

On 15 January 2020, BIM and 3D MODEL RMUTL club, Civil Engineering Program ,Civil and Environmental Engineering major, Faculty of Engineering RMUTL, Chiang Mai organized the training program on the use of Autodesk Revit software for designing 3D structures for club members at civil building 4, floor 3, room 302. For students in civil engineering program gain knowledge about the application of the program to create 3D models. In order to be able to apply in the real BIM system and can create, manage, and share 3D... >> Read more

RMUTL offering water to Phrabat Nampu temple.
Thursday 4 February 2020 / Activity News

On 14 February2020, Assoc. Prof. Seensiri Sa-ngajit, acting for president of RMUTL, offered 3,600 bottles of drinking water to Phrabat Nampu temple, Lop Buri province.   Translated by:  Pichet Inkun  EIC Student/ PRD Trainee >> Read more

RMUTL, Phitsanulok co-hosted the level national academic conference Pibulsongkram national 6th, 2020.
Thursday 4 February 2020 / Activity News

On 12 February 2020, Dr. Sophana Samran, deputy dean of the faculty of agricultural science and technology received a plaque which co-hosted the level national academic conference Pibulsongkram national 6th, 2020, there were development institutions Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University together with Chiang Mai Rajabhat University, Udonthani Rajabhat University, Uttaradit Rajabhat University, Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna, Phitsanulok and Boromarajonani College of Buddhachinaraj, held to disseminate... >> Read more

The Language Center RMUTL, Lampang, held the placement test in the English language.
Thursday 4 February 2020 / Activity News

5 February 2020, the Language Center at RMUTL, Lampang, held the placement test in the English language development program of Year 3 and 4 students in order to measure English language proficiency of students. Lecturer Priyarat Srichaiwong, head of language center at RMUTL, Lampang, she said that the language center is an agency responsible for developing and organizing activities in language and culture according to the policy of the standard of English in higher education institutions preparation of the... >> Read more

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